
When you initialize a Experiment, raw data is extracted from the .csv(s) and cleaned-up. Then, additional analyses are performed. You can fine tune the clean up and the analyses by changing default parameters.

Upon importing pyfim, defaults are loaded from in the pyFIM directory. You can either change the defaults in the file which will affect all subsequent sessions (persistent, does not work on-the-fly!) or change the defaults in the current session (temporary, only for this session).

Making lasting changes

Open a Python session, import pyFIM and get it’s location:

>>> import pyfim
>>> pyfim.__file__
... '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyfim/'

Next, navigate to the pyFIM directory, open and make your changes.

Making temporary changes

You can change defaults for the current session.

>>> import pyfim
>>> # Defaults are stored as dictionary
>>> pyfim.defaults
... {'AREA_PARAMS': ['area'],
... 'CUT_TABLE_HEAD': False, ...
>>> # Change some parameter
>>> pyfim.defaults['MIN_STOP_TIME'] = 10

What is what

The is well documented and superseeds this document but here is a list of relevant parameters:

Config parameters
Function Variable Desciption
Import FILE_FORMAT File format to search for
Import DELIMITER Delimiter in CSV file
Import PIXEL2MM If True pixel coords are converted to mm or mm^2
Import PIXEL_PER_MM Adjust this according to your setup
Import SPATIAL_PARAMS List parameters that can be converted to mm
Import AREA_PARAMS List parameters that can be converted to mm^2
Import FPS Frames per second
Import CUT_TABLE_HEAD Remove first N Frames
Import CUT_TABLE_TAIL Remove last N Frames
Import REMOVE_NANS Remove objects without any values
Import MIN_TRACK_LENGTH Minimum track length in frames
Import FILL_GAPS Fill sub-threshold gaps within thresholded columns: [0 1 1 0 0 1 1] -> [0 1 1 1 1 1 1]
Import MAX_GAP_SIZE Max gap size
Import THRESHOLDED_PARAMS Parameters to fill gaps for
Head bends BENDING_ANGLE_THRESHOLD Minimum angle to be counted as bend
Head bends MIN_BENDED_PHASE Minimum consecutive frames spend bent
Stops MIN_STOP_PHASE Minimum number of frames for a stop
Peristalses MIN_PEAK_DIST Minimum frames between peristalses
Pause-turns MIN_STOP_TIME Minimum length of pause in frames
Pause-turns MIN_GO_TIME Minimum frames of go phase before and after pause
Pause-turns TURN_ANGLE_THRESHOLD Minimum anglular difference in movement direction before vs after pause
Pause-turns DIRECTION_SMOOTHING Direction will be smoother over X frames
Bend strength BENDING_ANGLE_THRESHOLD_FOR_BENDING_STRENGTH Minimum angle for bending strength
Two-Choice TC_PARAM Parameter used to split data (e.g. “mom_x” for split along x-axis)
Two-Choice TC_BOUNDARY Boundary between control and experiment
Two-Choice TC_CONTROL_SIDE Defines which side is the control
PreferenceIndex TC_COUNT_WINDOW Rolling window over which to count objects on either side
PreferenceIndex TC_SMOOTHING_WINDOW Rolling window over which to smooth preference index (PI)
PreferenceIndex TC_CUT_HEAD Ignore the first X frames for PI calculation
PreferenceIndex TC_CUT_TAIL Ignore the last X frames for PI calculation