

Calculates the frequency of pause-turns [Hz] for each object. This analysis is based on MatLab code by Dimitri Berh (University of Muenster, Germany).

Parameters:exp (pyfim.Experiment) – Experiment holding the raw data.


This function counts the number of pause-turns by (1) finding pauses and (2) determining if the movement direction before and after the pause differs sufficiently. You can finetune this behaviour by changing the following parameters in the config file:

  • MIN_STOP_TIME: minimum number of frames for a pause to be counted as one.
  • MIN_GO_TIME: minimum frames before and after the pause to be counted as pause-turn.
  • TURN_ANGLE_THRESHOLD: minimum angular difference in movement direction before and after the pause.
Returns:Pause-Turn frequency [Hz]
Return type:pandas.DataFrame